Uncovering the Mystery of Dyslexia
Poor Spelling and Reversing Letters will End
What is dyslexia?
Dyslexia is an acquired hurrying disorder causing a person to read, write, spell, or say letters or words in reverse. Any other definitions of dyslexia labeling people with neurological learning deficiencies or learning disabilities are false, uninformed, and misleading. Do not let the enormous commotion created around dyslexia confuse you. When understood, dyslexia becomes a simple issue that can be easily resolved.
Reading or Spelling Difficulties are Linked to Dyslexia but they are Not
While all types of dyslexia are caused by forced speed at some point or time, dyslexia in spelling English words ad in writing letters in reverse is caused by spelling difficulties and by forced speed-reading before learning to spell words. If dyslexia is a disorder, it is an acquired hurrying disorder caused by being forced to hurry. Dyslexic persons become poor spellers first, and then they acquire dyslexia in spelling. See How do you get dyslexia? and then return here to read the rest of this rare article.
Phonics →Spelling Difficulties →Dyslexia: Having too many spelling patterns of a single English sound we call phonic causes spelling difficulties. Logical learners need logical spelling rules to know when to spell a single sound one-way and not the other. See how Phonics, Spelling and Dyslexia are Linked, and then return to this page.
What is dyslexia in spelling?
Dyslexia in spelling means misspelling words, plus writing letters in reverse. Poor spelling precedes dyslexia, and dyslexia in spelling is an advanced stage of poor spelling. Dyslexia in spelling ends after learning to spell and after slowing down to write words slowly. The focus in this article is on dyslexia in spelling. For other types of dyslexia, see What is dyslexia?
Too Many Spelling Patterns of a Sound Cause Spelling Difficulties
Unlike English, most known languages have a consistent single letter or symbol to represent a single sound every time that sound is written in words. Such languages might have only a single letter like the “f” to represent this sound whenever the sound of “f” is written, as in font, geografy, and enouf.
In English, however, there are letters like the “f” in “font” and phonics spelled in many different ways we call spelling patterns. The “ph” phonic in “photography” and the “gh” phonics in “enough” are two spelling patterns of the same sound we call phonic. The “ph” is not a letter; it is a phonic made out of two letters.
The numerous spelling patterns of each English sound cause spelling difficulties among logical learners who need spelling rules to know when to spell a sound one-way and not the other. They need a logical spelling rule to show them when to write “f as in font” or “ph as in photography” or “gh as in enough.”
Logical Learners (Analyzers) vs. Memorizers
You are dyslexic because you are too logical and too intelligent to accept the illogical way English words are spelled. If you were born into a more consistent language, you wouldn’t have acquired dyslexia.
Memorizers are learners born capable of memorizing without questioning the logic behind what they are about to memorize. The brain of such learners is wired differently; it enables them to memorize the spelling of English words without questioning the logic behind spelling a sound one way and not the other.
Analyzers are learners born with a very logical brain that is wired to analyze, question, examine, and constantly search for logical explanations to help them memorize; they can easily memorize after seeing the logic behind anything they are about to memorize. Learners who are analyzers are simply too logical and too intelligent to accept the illogical way English words are spelled. Why should a logical young child accept the symbol “o” to represent the sound of “w” in “choir”?
Dyslexia in Reading and Spelling
Dyslexia in spelling is acquired when logical learners with spelling difficulties fall behind in class, and then feel forced or pressured to hurry to keep up with their schoolwork. They are forced to run before they can walk or crawl. Namely, they are forced to speed-read before learning to spell words. When they read in a hurry, their vision travels rapidly from left-to-right and right-to-left. In their haste, they see letters in reverse. Eventually, they spell letters in that same reversed manner that they saw them and read them. When dyslexic persons learn to spell and to slow down to write a word slowly, they write that word with confidence and do not reverse the letters in it.
Some analytic learners reject reading all together; they refuse reading because they are super logical. They may expect to see all English words spelled logically and with plain letters, or else. They may expect to see “My cat is cute.” to be written “Mi kat iz qut.” Otherwise, they shut out completely and stop trying to read. Soon after that, they are labeled with dyslexia in reading because no one knows how else to label them. Dyslexia is the easiest label that has been thrown at people irresponsibly.
At a later stage in life, these so-called “dyslexics” may succumb to pressure that society places on them and then decide to give reading another try. Their tutors may help them recite reading, not understand it, and then they may “get by” with reading but not with spelling. They usually cannot spell the words that they read. Eventually, they end up speed-reading before learning the spelling of the words they are reading. Their punctuation skills are also weak because they have no time to focus on punctuation or grammar; they are always hurrying and too busy trying to figure out the spelling of words.
According to reliable statistics, 2 out of 3 native-English speakers are analytic learners, born with questioning minds that need logic first and then they can memorize. This means that a great number of English-speakers have some degree of reading and / or spelling difficulties, plus a mild or a severe case of dyslexia in spelling and / or in reading.
Only logical learners (analyzers) can have difficulties with reading and / or spelling. Soon after that, they acquire dyslexia in reading or in spelling or in both. Dyslexic persons become poor spellers first before they acquire dyslexia. Read how dyslexia is given to kids before the 4th grade → How do you get dyslexia?
Can Read but Cannot Spell
Most analyzers can read the numerous spelling patters of the various English sounds we call phonics; however, they do not always remember which of the numerous spelling patterns to choose when spelling these sounds in words. For example, they may read “ocean” but spell it oceon, ocian, osion, otion, oseon, oshin, oshion, etc. This is only one example out of thousands.
Memorizing Thousands of Words, One at a Time
Without any previous logical explanations or spelling rules that can be applied to a group of words of a same sound and same spelling pattern, how are logical learners expected to memorize the spelling of thousands of words one at a time? The above “ocean” example is only one out of thousands of examples to show why we can’t spell. Imagine having to memorize the spelling of hundreds of sounds in hundreds of spelling patterns in thousands of words, one at a time and without logic!
Examine these additional examples! The single sound of long “e” is spelled in these 10 spelling patterns of sounds that we call phonics: meet in 240 words, meat in 370 words, receive in 17 words, believe in 108 words, complete in 120 words, elite in 32 words, we in a countless number of words, happy in countless words, money in 40 words, and ski in 60 words. If you are an analyzer, don’t be discouraged; there are now 100 logical spelling rules to solve all such problems.
Traditional Definitions of Dyslexia
Traditionally, dyslexia is said to be a condition in which a person can have difficulties learning to read, spell, or write. Some dictionaries define dyslexia as a learning disability or learning disorder. Sadly, traditional dyslexia institutions cannot agree on a definition for dyslexia, because they have no clue as to what dyslexia might mean. Read the following gibberish they wrote about dyslexia:
According to the International Dyslexia Association, “Dyslexia is a specific learning disability that is neurological in origin. It is characterized by difficulties with accurate and / or fluent word recognition and by poor spelling and decoding abilities. These difficulties typically result from a deficit in the phonological component of language that is often unexpected in relation to other cognitive abilities and the provision of effective classroom instruction. Secondary consequences may include problems in reading comprehension and reduced reading experience that can impede growth of vocabulary and background knowledge.” Adopted by the IDA Board of Directors, Nov. 12, 2002. This Definition is also used by the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD).”
How much is known about dyslexia?
In spite of the enormous amount of money being spent on dyslexia, traditional dyslexia establishments know very little about it. When I approached someone who did a PhD on dyslexia, he said there was no known solution for dyslexia and thus his specialty was not in finding solution, but in conducting tests in schools to diagnose dyslexic children.
Logical Learners are the Ones who Can Get Dyslexia
Usually, analyzers cannot memorize the spelling of words without logical explanations as to why a single English sound should be spelled one way and not the other. When analyzers do not find the logic they search for, they become poor spellers, and some of them will not read at all. It is not a matter of choice for them; their questioning minds cannot memorize and reject such inconsistent spelling patterns of a single sound in so many words.
Analyzers, first, become poor spellers and then they acquire dyslexia in spelling. Learning how dyslexia is acquired is the most important piece of this article. See How is dyslexia acquired?
Different Wiring in the Brain Does Not Mean Disabled
Various scientific studies confirm that the brain wiring of a dyslexic person differs from that of a person who is not dyslexic. Based on brain wiring differences, traditional dyslexia establishments concluded that dyslexics have some type of a neurological deficiency that is innate in nature. Their argument may look valid because dyslexics do have spelling or reading difficulties, but the argument is unsound and based on false premises.
There is a huge difference between having “different wiring” and “brain deficiencies.” Naturally, the wiring of a logical learner’s brain differs from that which is less analytic. However, this does entail a deficiency in anyone’s brain. One might argue that memorizers have brain deficiencies, because their brains are wired differently and because they memorize without questioning the logic behind what they are about to memorize. Furthermore, one might argue that dyslexic persons are the better thinkers because they examine what they are about to memorize, or that they are the finest type of learners because they require logic first, or that they are the most creative ones because of the great number of creative persons who are dyslexic.
Being an Analyzer is Hereditary but Not Being Dyslexic
The commonly held belief claiming the dyslexia is innate is absurd and groundless. Dyslexia is not hereditary, but being a logical learner is hereditary. Only logical learners can have dyslexia in spelling English words.
Too many people are falsely led to believe that dyslexia cannot be prevented because it is hereditary; but now that we know that it is not hereditary, we can explore the idea of preventing it. In fact, I explored the idea of preventing dyslexia and succeeded over and again. Schools or parents can easily prevent dyslexia before the 3rd grade.
Dyslexia Can be Ended
Too many people are falsely led to believe that dyslexic persons must accept dyslexia and manage their lives around it because dyslexia is hereditary. Now that we know that being, logical is hereditary and not being dyslexic, we can entertain the idea of reversing dyslexia for those who already have it, and I did just that. I have been helping thousands of dyslexic persons read, spell and end dyslexia in spelling and in writing letters in reverse and so can you. Dyslexia ends after learning to spell and after slowing down to write words slowly.
Dyslexic Persons Do Not Have Learning Disabilities
Finally, yet importantly, too many people are falsely led to believe that dyslexic persons are born with learning disabilities; but now that we know that dyslexia is not hereditary, we know that dyslexic persons are not born with learning disabilities. Dyslexic persons do NOT have learning disabilities nor do they have neurological learning deficiencies, perhaps those who don’t understand them do.
Dyslexia is in English Spelling but Not in All Languages
Know that speakers of most other languages do not become poor spellers and do not acquire dyslexia in their native languages, and this is so if their native languages happen to have one consistent symbol or one letter to spell a sound every time that sound is written in words.
In fact, most new immigrants who are completely literate in their native tongues come to the U.S. and then acquire dyslexia only in English. Moreover, they send their children to schools assuming that they will learn to read and spell before the 3rd grade, in the same way that they had learned when they were back in their homelands. Most of them had not heard of spelling quizzes or remedial reading courses. They had not heard before of a child going to school, passing from one grade to another, and not learning to read or spell.
Teaching Words before Sentences
When logical persons, who only know the ABC’s, are asked to read stories before learning to spell phonics in words, they become poor spellers. They need to be taught ALL the spelling patterns of phonics logically (with spelling rules), one at a time, and then in all the words that follow that rules. They need to do that before reading sentences, stories, and before speed-reading.
They need to be taught all of the spelling patterns of phonics, not just bits and pieces of phonics. For instance, they need to be informed beforehand that the “y” can sound like an “i” at the end of short words, before asking them to read words like my, by, sky, try, etc. If not informed beforehand, young logical learners expect to see sentences like “My cat is cute.” to be “Mi kat iz qut.” Reading comprehension will have to wait for logical learners; and, they must learn to write words first before they writing sentences.
How do you get dyslexia?
Because they are so young, logical kids cannot form all the complex linguistic questions they wish to ask; and, the number of whys overwhelms them at such a young age. Note: This portion of this article has been moved to a separate link and it is the most important part of this entire article. Please click to read it and then return here How do you get dyslexia?
Misconceptions about Dyslexia
Unfortunately, traditionally concepts used to describe dyslexia are still the same concepts used to describe an illness. Traditional dyslexia community still uses terms like dyslexia symptoms, dyslexia prognostic, dyslexia treatment, dyslexia cure, dyslexia is a neurological disorder, dyslexia is a brain deficiency, dyslexia is a learning disability, etc.
The National Institute of Neurological Disorder writes this rubbish, “Dyslexia is a brain-based type of learning disability that specifically impairs a person’s ability to read. These individuals typically read at levels significantly lower than expected despite having normal intelligence. Although the disorder varies from person to person, common characteristics among people with dyslexia are difficulty with phonological processing (the manipulation of sounds), spelling, and/or rapid visual-verbal responding. In individuals with adult onset of dyslexia, it usually occurs as a result of brain injury or in the context of dementia; this contrasts with individuals with dyslexia who simply were never identified as children or adolescents. Dyslexia can be inherited in some families, and recent studies have identified a number of genes that may predispose an individual to developing dyslexia.”
Living an Entire Life with Dyslexia
Some dyslexic persons may “get by” with reading but will have difficulties spelling the words that they read. Others may not learn to read at all. If they did not learn to read or spell by the end of the third grade, chances are they are not going to learn from traditional learning methods at all. According to them, memorizing without logical spelling rules is impossible.
Except in arts, music, and some divisions of science, dyslexic persons will naturally suffer in schools from low performances and low grades in subjects that require reading and spelling. They often express their sorrow from the way society looks down at them or blames them. The saddest part is that too many dyslexic persons tend to think society is right and that they are to blame because they did not do it right when they were little kids. Reality is that society owes them a humongous apology.
Typically, dyslexic persons think they are the only ones with spelling problems and they may try hard to hide this fact. They may continue living with this burden and may never know that they not alone; or it may take them 20 or 30 years of hiding and living with low self-esteem before they discovers that more than 60% of the population is like him. Poor spelling or dyslexia is so common in English that nearly every person knows someone who cannot spell or is dyslexic. Please inform those you know that they are not alone, and that they are better thinkers because they are analyzers.
A woman attended my spelling class at Cuyamaca College in 1998 and said she had not accepted promotion where she worked for 22 years, because she was too afraid they would discover her spelling problem. After learning to spell, she accepted the promotion. Millions suffer from low self-esteem and many books can be written about dyslexics’ heartbreaking life stories. Before the labeling of “learning disability” was accepted in schools, children were told they were too lazy to study.
Isn’t time to try to make up for some of the damage done in the past? Should we keep the name “dyslexia,” which rhymes with medical conditions like anorexia, asphyxia, hysteria, etc.? I suggest changing the naming of “dyslexics” to “logical learners” and “dyslexia” to “logical strictness.”
ADD that is Caused by Dyslexia Easily Ends
Reading is the foundation for all learning. Obviously, a dyslexic child forced to sit in classrooms year-after-year without learning is going to be bored to the point of developing ADD; if dyslexia is prevented early enough, so are most cases of ADD. Yes, the cases of ADD caused by dyslexia can end in weeks or months while ending dyslexia.
In 1999, I met Lee who was a child in sixth grade. Lee had been sitting in classrooms for six years unable to read words. He was labeled with dyslexia, ADD, learning disabilities, etc. Repeatedly, his parents were told he was an impossible-to-learn case. In August of 1999, Lee learned to read in six days, not in six years. Lee’s lifestyle changed after reading and ADD had no more presence in his new way of life. B.J. could read but he could not spell; he also recovered from ADD after learning to spell. Months later, B.J. said and his father agreed, “Now that spelling is so easy my grades are all straight A’s.” B.J.’s overflowing energy was transformed into positive energy. Anticipate seeing my book about the life stories of those who used to have dyslexia or ADD that is caused by dyslexia.
Dyslexia is acquired but only by analytic learners, and what causes it is being compelled to speed-read before learning to spell words. Reading too fast, too soon causes poor spellers to see letters in reverse and eventually writing letters in reverse.
Lee Learned to Read in a Week!
Because Lee learned to read a week, Lee proved that dyslexic persons do NOT have neurological learning deficiencies, and that they do NOT have learning disabilities, but perhaps those who don’t understand them do. Perhaps analyzers like Lee can help memorizers learn to analyze and question things that they believe in. As it turns out, Lee’s ADD was a result of boredom from sitting in class for six years, unable to read or participate in learning. Parents beware of medicating your kids who have ADD, because ADD that is caused by spelling difficulties or dyslexia will naturally end after learning to read and spell logically. See how Lee Learned to Read in a Week!
10 Phonics and Spelling Books or E-books

1. Read Instantly (200 Logical Phonics Lessons) Amazon $52 — or — Our Price $45 — or — Special Offer
2. Learn to Spell 500 Words a Day (6 volumes) Amazon $52 each — or — Our Price $45 each — or — Special Offer
10 e-books are available for all e-readers and free apps
See the e-books on →Kindle Store
Here’s what our satisfied clients say:
“I was used to reading without looking at the way words are spelled because my other teachers always told me to read fast. I thought I could never learn to spell. Spelling isn’t as difficult as I thought it was. I wish that someone had told me about these spelling rules before.” Eleazar Herrera, age 11, grade 6 Cajon Valley Union School District http://www.cajonvalley.net/