Test for Dyslexia Online
15 Major Characteristics shared by Dyslexic Persons

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15 Major Characteristics shared by Dyslexic Persons

Characteristics 1-5

1. Writing Letters in Reverse: Dyslexia in spelling is paired with spelling difficulties and with writing letters in reverse.
2. Stumble when Reading Aloud: Dyslexia in reading is paired with reading difficulties. Some cannot read at all; others may read and comprehend but stumble when reading aloud.
3. Being Logical Learners: Dyslexic persons are born analytic,too logical to accept nonsense. Logical learners question the way English words are spelled, and they may never accept the illogical way words are spelled. Their learning style is a logical learning style. If logic is provided they can easily learn to read and spell.
4. Can Focus Only on One Thing at a Time: Dyslexic persons can only focus on one thing or one thought at a time; for instance, they cannot focus both on the main idea in a story and on the way, words are spelled. Most dyslexic persons are unaware of this fact until it is brought to their attention. They focus so highly on one thing, that they often become very creative at that one thing.
5. They Need Not be Disturbed: Typically, when dyslexic persons are busy doing something that requires focus, they need not be disturbed. If disturbed, they may become unhappy or angry.

Characteristics 6-10

6. Autistic Persons are Similar But: Autistic persons may have a fit when disturbed. Autistic persons are similar in this respect, but they are much more focused on one thing at a time. Their reaction can be much more dramatic. Autistic persons can be so highly focused on one thing that when someone calls their name, they may not respond.
7. Perfectionists, take a Very Long Time to finish their Creative Work: Dyslexic persons tend to be perfectionists in the subject they choose to focus on and they take a very long time to finish their creative work. To them, everything they focus on has to be perfect or they let it go. When a dyslexic child is busy being creative, (s)he feels like saying, “Leave me alone, I am being creative here, and you are disturbing my train of thoughts.”
8. Dyslexic Drivers tend to Miss Their Exits When Disturbed: More often than not, when driving and someone is talking with them or distracting them, dyslexic drivers tend to miss their exits because they cannot focus on both, the conversation and the driving directions.
9. Born to Think a Single Thought! No Text Messaging! In addition to being born unable to do two things at a time, dyslexic persons cannot think two thoughts at a time. Because they cannot think about two things simultaneously, when text messaging or talking on the phone while driving, even if hands are free, dyslexic drivers will most likely have accidents. They are simply born with the ability to think a single thought at a time, not two.
10. Extremely Creative at that one Thing of Their Focus: Normally, when dyslexic persons are allowed the time needed to focus on that one thing that they like to focus on, they become extremely creative at that one thing of their focus.
Dyslexic persons are logical learners, too intelligent to accept the illogical way English words are spelled.
Dyslexic persons are logical learners

This explains seeing high creativity among dyslexic persons; but, not so much among good spellers, who can memorize without questioning the logic in the thing they are about to memorize. Such good spellers’ attention is disbursed on multiple tasks, unable to focus on only one task to the point of becoming highly creative at it.

Albert Einstein could not spell and he is a fine example of such highly focused and creative persons. Additional examples of such creative and analytic persons who have dyslexia are Thomas Edison, William Faulkner, James Joyce, Agatha Christie, Nelson Rockefeller, Thomas Jefferson, Walt Dizney, Bill Gates, Henry Winkler, Robin Williams, Tom Cruise, Steve Jobs, Whoopi Goldberg, Jay Leno, Anderson Cooper, Ben Affleck, and the list is too long to list here. Type “famous people with dyslexia” in search engines and you will need hours, if not days, to read the long lists.

Characteristics 11-15

11. Not Visuals, cannot visualize Details Inside Words: Dyslexic persons are not visuals and cannot visualize faces or images; this means they cannot visualize the way a word is spelled. Therefore, dyslexic persons may have difficulties spelling a long word orally. Instead, they may write it down to spell it. In addition, when they speed-read before learning to spell words, they do not have the time to see additional details, such as punctuation and grammar.

12. Writing All Letters in Uppercase: If a person writes all letters in uppercase, then most likely (s)he is dyslexic or has the potential to become dyslexic. However, not all dyslexic persons write their letters in uppercase.

13. Shared Characteristics and General Behavior: Dyslexia manifests itself in the person’s general behavior and characteristics. Understanding dyslexia makes it is easy to tell if a person is dyslexic or if a child might become dyslexic.

14. Being a Logical Learner is Hereditary but not Being Dyslexic: Dyslexic persons are logical learners and being a logical learner is hereditary but not being dyslexicIf they were born into a language that has a single letter to spell a sound every time that sound is written, logical learners would not have dyslexia in that language.

15. Dyslexia and Learning Disabilities: Dyslexic persons do NOT have learning disabilities nor do they have neurological learning deficiencies; perhaps those who don’t understand them do. We have instant proof of that. See how Lee’s dyslexia was easily and quickly reversed Lee Learned to Read in a Week! Not only did Lee learn and prove he was NOT learning disabled; but also he learned in six days what his school could not teach him in six years.


This test for dyslexia online reveals that dyslexic persons can learn and are not learning disabled; they are logical learners that learn logically. They can only focus on one thing or one thought at a time. They are not visual and cannot visualize faces or the way words are spelled. They are perfectionists needing a long time to finish their work; all work to them must be creative or they may not finish it. They tend to be unhappy when disturbed while doing their creative work.

Most dyslexic persons misspell words, write letters in reverse, stumble when reading aloud, have difficulties spelling words orally, miss their exists if driving and someone is talking with them, have car accidents when text messaging and driving, and some write all of the letters in uppercase.

Solutions for Dyslexia in Spelling and Reversing Letters

Understanding how we get dyslexia is half of the solution to reversing it: Understanding dyslexia means diagnosing it and choosing the best possible solutions for it.

Lee, a sixth grader, had dyslexia and could not read or spell words. Not only did Lee learn but also he learned in a week. Because he learned so quickly, Lee proved that he was NOT learning disabled. His school never did understand how he learned when prior to that he was sitting in class for six years unable to read. After Lee learned to spell, his teacher Mr. Woods expressed, “Lee seems to be calculating something before he can spell words, and I don’t care how he gets them as long as he keeps spelling them right.” 

To teach or learn now the spelling of 580 words instantly, click here.
To teach or learn now the spelling of 240 words instantly, click here.
To teach reading phonics, download Free Long Vowels Lessons 

10 Phonics and Spelling Books or E-books

Phonics and Spelling Books
1. Read Instantly (200 Logical Phonics Lessons) Amazon $52 — or — Our Price $45 — or — Special Offer
2. Learn to Spell 500 Words a Day (6 volumes) Amazon $52 each — or — Our Price $45 each — or — Special Offer
3. 100 Spelling Rules (Exclusive Rules) Amazon $98 — or — Our Price $78 — or Special Offer
4The Compound Words (7,000 Words) Amazon $52 or — Our Price $45 — or — Special Offer
5. How to Teach Phonics – Teachers’ Guide Amazon $27 — or — Our Price $20or — Special Offer

All 10 books Amazon $541 — or — Our Price $312

10 e-books are available for all e-readers and free apps
See the e-books on →Kindle Store

See how Lee Learned to Read in a Week!

Lee Ray Nachman, age 12, grade 6. According to his school records, Lee read at a first-grade level (level 1.6) and he had dyslexia, ADD, and learning disabilities. In just six days, Lee learned to read. A few months after that, Lee’s ADD ended and it was obviously caused by boredom from sitting in class for six years, unable to learn and participate in class activities. Lee’s teacher, Mr. Woods was astonished to see Lee read and spell. Mr. Woods said, “Lee seems to be calculating something when I ask him to spell words, and I don’t care how he gets them, as long as he keeps spelling them right.” Lassen View Union Elementary School in Red Bluff, CA -http://www.lassenview.org/